Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if everybody thought the same way?
PDG’s great minds are constantly investigating new ways to drive real business results. Here’s where we share our perspectives on what’s new, what different, what’s working, and what isn’t. We can help your company think in new ways, too!

- WHY MILLENNIALS ARE NOT SPACE ALIENSMillennials are digital natives. Their expectation as to how they will receive learning is different...
- DO LEADERS CREATE CULTURE?By creating leadership programs that focus on context and experience, we help guarantee that our...
- HOW ONBOARDING DRIVES EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTThe most important goal of New Employee Onboarding is confirming to the new employee he/she...
- WHEN LEADERSHIP TRAINING DOESN’T WORKby Rich Mesch I recently read an online article that posited that leadership training doesn’t...
- EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN LEARNING: THE TUNA PARADOXDo solution design and learning modality impact engagement? Absolutely. Once you understand the criteria that...
- 5 REASONS WHY VIRTUAL REALITY LEARNING IS WORTH CONSIDERINGby Rich Mesch Another year, another learning trend, am I right? This year everybody’s talking...
- COMMUNICATION PLANNING IS THE KEY TO LEARNING SUCCESSDoes your upcoming learning initiative include a communication plan? If not, it’s not too late—but...
- CREATING TOMORROW’S LIFE SCIENCES SALES LEADERS: 3 STRATEGIESHow confident are you in the sales leaders in your organization?
- MANAGERS EAT LEARNING FOR LUNCHIf a manager doesn’t help pull through what their people have learned through action and...
- THE TALENT MAGNET: HOW LEARNING ATTRACTS AND RETAINS TOP TALENTWhat contributes to the attraction and retention of top talent?
- HOW EFFECTIVE ONBOARDING DRIVES BANKING SUCCESSEffective onboarding accelerates speed to productivity, meaning your team members provide more value more rapidly–helping...
- 4 REASONS SYSTEMS TRAINING ISN’T REALLY ABOUT SYSTEMSSystems Training is a challenge, but it’s not all about technology; it’s about efficiency, about...